In the month of November, 1st and 2nd class learned through lots of fun activities.
1st and 2nd class did a wonderful job with the winter art display at the school reception area.
They creatively constructed their own winter penguins to catch the eye of those entering the school.
Earlier this month we learned about the importance of co-operation and working as a team.
The pupils worked as a team to pass the hoop around the circle without breaking the chain.

1st and 2nd class were also busy learning about 2D shapes and their properties.
They used matchsticks to build their own 2D shapes, followed by a 2D shape hunt on our school yard.
They did a fantastic job observing all the 2D shapes in our environment!

Children remembered loved ones through the liturgical event of ‘In November We Remember’.
Outside they picked a leaf, wrote the name of a loved one or loved pet on their leaf and stuck it to our remembrance tree.
As part of this liturgical event, Jack from 1st class, proudly honoured his grandmother who lived to over 100 years old.
He kindly showed the medal and letter from President Michel D Higgins, to the class. Well done Jack!

At the most wonderful time of the year, on the day of The Late Late Toy Show screening,
the children learned all about the history of the toy show including the different presenters who have hosted it throughout the years.
Then they were treated to freshly baked cookies from local business The Cookie Co-Op.