3rd and 4th class have been extremely busy since the Halloween break. We have loved working with Gill on our songs for our Christmas show.
In class we have been learning about Irish woodlands and the animals that live in them. We researched and discussed the importance of protecting our woodlands and the impact deforestation has on the world. Then we designed and made our own posters to encourage others to protect our woodlands.
In English, we learned all about procedural writing such as instructions, recipes and game rules.
We planned and wrote our own procedures for playing games such as Tag, Snakes and Ladders, Chess and Hide and Seek.
In Art we had great fun making our ‘Cityscapes with Fireworks’. We used paint and cardboard to print our fireworks on to a black sky. Then we sketched our cityscapes and painted them with watercolours.
We have also started work on making Christmas decorations, both for our classroom and for home. We've enjoyed getting our classroom decorated and are enjoying all our Christmas themed work but we're all really looking forward to our Christmas break.