Second & Third Class

Second & Third Class

2nd and 3rd Class Blog

News Bulletin Recording

2nd and 3rd class were very busy in September filming a Church Hill News Report. The students were divided up into various teams such as production team, advertising team, research team, design team, health and safety team, prop team, camera team, scriptwriters and cast. The children used iPads to record their pieces and Ms Holden comprised the pieces into one news report bulletin. The news bulletin was then presented to Junior Infants.




Fitness Fun with James Kelly

3rd class have been taking part in Fitness Fun with James Kelly every Thursday. They have been learning how to work together to complete some team-building activities.


Student Council Elections

Our Student Council, Active School and Green Schools committee elections took place on Friday the 27th of September. In preparation for the elections the students had to design an election poster, write their manifesto and deliver their speech to every class. All students were then asked to visit the polling booths in the hall to cast their vote for each class. A huge well done and thanks to Ms Kenny and her 6th class for organising the whole event.



Pink Run

Church Hill NS held a Pink Run on Friday the 4th of October. As part of the run we decorated the school hall in pink art and dressed in pink. A school collection took place for Breast Cancer Ireland where every child donated €1 for a very worthy cause.



Maths Week

Maths week took place from the 14th – 18th of October. As part of Maths week, 2nd and 3rd class completed lots of Maths activities. The children loved putting their coding skills to test by using our school Beebots in the hall!


Feb 20
Mid Term Break
Mar 14
School Closed
Mar 17
Bank Holiday - School Closed
Apr 11
Easter Holidays Half Day
Cuffesgrange, Co Kilkenny, R95 T253
056 772 9144
© 2025 Church Hill NS