We have been very busy in the 6th classroom since returning to school. We started our year in 6th class by setting goals for the year ahead.

In September, we focused a lot on creating our classroom routines. The children came up with their own, realistic rules for the classroom and the year ahead. We focused on Recount writing in English and we all wrote our recount essays about the topic ‘My Favourite School Tour’. We focused on using capital letters and punctuation in our writing, while also learning about the correct use of our prepositions.
We learned all about Edvard Munch in art. Fun fact, Edvard Munch referred to his artwork as his children.

We learned all about our primary colours this year. We designed eyes incorporating our primary and secondary colours.

In Irish we focused on the theme of ‘Mé Féin’ for the month of September. We wrote all about ourselves and our friend.

We learned all about Historical places in Kilkenny over the past few weeks in school. We completed projects in our groups on historical places in Kilkenny.

We completed a newspaper article based on Church Hill with Mr Doheny. We learned how to use Canva. We really enjoyed working on this project with Mr Doheny.

Maths Talk has played a huge part in our Maths lessons since we started back. The children have really enjoyed all of the cognitively challenging tasks that we have engaged with and played since coming back to school this year.
On Friday the 4th of October we hosted our annual Pink Run. We had great fun! The 6th class children really enjoyed organising the whole event.