Second & Third Class

Second & Third Class

It has been a very busy few months in 2nd and 3rd class.

Science week kept us very busy with lots of different experiments. We made rockets and created rainbows in a jar.

Our favourite experiment was bouncing an egg on the table.


We worked hard on our fundamental movement skills in P.E.

We were focusing on hopping and we created lots of different routines in groups.


We worked really hard in November and we finished off the month with a hot chocolate party.


We took part in the Olympic Movement challenge in December which kept us motivated and we learned lots about different Olympic sports.


We were working hard on our addition, subtraction and multiplication in Numeracy.

We played lots of fun games helping us to learn our tables.


We learned a poem about a boy called Michael who built a bicycle.. he added some unusual items.

We made 3D Christmas scenes for art.


We had a surprise visit from Santa and he very kindly gave us some treats.

2nd Class helped decorate the Christmas tree in the Church.


We also had our Reindeer Run and donated money to charity.

To finish off our busy term we had our Christmas concert.

We worked really hard and performed a play called "Tiny Angel". I

t was great fun and everyone loved creating their costumes and learning our lines and songs.


We were super glad to get to the Christmas holidays so we had a chance to recharge our batteries and get ready for Term 2.

We started off Term 2 with lots of work around Number in Maths. We were learning about addition and division.

We played lots of games to help us learn our tables.


In P.E. we have been learning about balancing and landing.

During our P.E. lessons we have been learning about gymnastics and how these FMS are important to make us great gymnasts.

We have also been learning about how we change and grow in S.P.H.E.
