We have had a very busy half term in 2nd and 3rd class.
In English we have been working on Explanation writing. If you ever wondered why astronauts wear spacesuits, look no further!!
This led onto an interesting conversation about how information can change when it is passed on by word of mouth. We played some oral language games to test this theory. We are also working in groups twice a week in Power Hour. This has been great fun working on our spelling, oral language, phonological awareness, reading and reading response.

We were working on length in Maths this half term. This was lots of fun with lots of hands on activities. We measured each other, tested some theories and measured objects in our classroom using non-standard and standard objects. We also learned about Chance in Maths. We had great fun looking at probability and the chances of a snow day.

In Gaeilge, we have been learning about Eadaí. We looked at lots of different outfits and played some games using our lovely new whiteboards. We also took part in Seachtain na Gaeilge where we worked with other classes and learned some Irish dances with Ms Garrahy. We also had a ceolchoirm on Friday where we said our poem “Blathanna Beaga” and sang our song “An Leiphrechán”. We tried our best to use cuplá focail sa rang. As part of Seachtain na Gaeilge, we danced in the halla. This was great fun.

In P.E. we are very fortunate to have Dermot Ryall teaching us some hurling and camogie skills on Thursdays. This is lots of fun. We have also began our swimming lessons in The Watershed. We are really enjoying this.

We took part in Engineers Week this half term also. This was really interesting. We learned about Chemical and water engineers and the important roles they play in our lives.
We became wind engineers and created our own windmills.

In Art, we looked at spring flowers which linked to our Gaeilge lessons about An tEarrach. We created our own 3D flowers. These are a lovely addition to our display boards. We also worked on St. Patrick’s Day art creating shamrock rainbows.

World Book Day brought great excitement to our classroom. We dressed up as our favourite characters. We also read extracts from our favourite books and took part in a World Book Day quiz. Some children from 4th and 5th class visited our classroom and showed us their favourite books.

We were fortunate enough to take part in Peace Proms this term also. It was a great day out and we loved showing off our dance moves.

2nd Class also made their First Penace on the 22nd of February. This was a lovely evening and it has begun our journey to the celebration of our First Holy Communion in May.
We had a great half term and are really looking forward ro recharging our batteries over the Easter holidays to prepare us for a fun filled Term 3.