Church Hill N.S. aims to provide a happy environment where the child can reach his/her potential and can learn to co-exist in harmony with teachers, parents and fellow pupils. Every opportunity will be provided to allow the child express their individuality and to experience success and satisfaction in what they do in school.
The school supports the philosophy of education based on the two main principles and aims of primary education as stated in the primary school curriculum.
- To enable the child to live a full life as a child.
- To equip him/her to avail of further education so that he/she may go on to live a full and useful life as an adult in society.
It is the policy of this school to communicate openly with all partners in education and it recognises its responsibility to contribute to the community it serves.
A code of behaviour will be maintained in the school. All partners will mutually agree to this code.
We acknowledge that our school is basically a catholic school and we share in the responsibility of transmitting knowledge and attitudes that will enable the children to grow in religious faith. Children from other religions and cultures will be made equally welcome in our school.
Teachers will provide stimulating work for the children they teach and it will be carefully planned out while assessment and evaluation of children’s progress will be on going, constantly updated and functional.
The school will make every effort to keep abreast of innovation in education and it will be willing to make changes where there is a clear benefit to the child.
It is our wish that the pupils leave Church Hill N.S. with a responsible attitude to the world they live in and that they will be equipped to serve the wider communities they inevitably venture into.
Church Hill recognises that it is one of three schools in the parish of Danesfort and that whenever the opportunity arises to demonstrate a united approach the teachers and pupils will embrace this opportunity whether it is through the sacraments, sport or indeed the sharing of educational resources.