Parents Association

The purpose of the Parents Association is to provide a structure through which the parents or guardians of children attending Church Hill National School can work together for the best possible education of their children. The Parents Association works with the Principal, Staff and Board of Management to build effective partnerships between home and school, thus promoting the interests of the pupils. They undertake a program of activities, in consultation with the school Principal, which promotes the involvement of parents and which supports the pupils, parents and staff. Members are elected to the Parents Association for a minimum of 2 years. Meetings are held on the school premises, during the school year, in the evening.

Parents Association 2022-2024

Chairperson Natalie Maher
Vice-chairperson Marina Butler
Secretary Emma Breen
Vice-secretary Teresa Sinnott
Treasurer Cathriona Heffernan
Vice-treasurer Emer Keogh
Delegate to National Parents Council Michelle Hamilton

Feb 20
Mid Term Break
Mar 14
School Closed
Mar 17
Bank Holiday - School Closed
Apr 11
Easter Holidays Half Day
Cuffesgrange, Co Kilkenny, R95 T253
056 772 9144
© 2025 Church Hill NS